Source code for pathfinding3d.core.util

import copy
import math
from typing import List, Tuple

from .grid import Grid
from .node import GridNode

# square root of 2 for diagonal distance
SQRT2 = math.sqrt(2)
# square root of 3 for octile distance
SQRT3 = math.sqrt(3)
# square root of 2 minus 1 for octile distance
# square root of 3 minus square root of 2 for octile distance

Coords = Tuple[float, float, float]

[docs]def backtrace(node: GridNode) -> List[GridNode]: """ Backtrace according to the parent records and return the path. (including both start and end nodes) Parameters ---------- node : GridNode node to backtrace from Returns ------- List[GridNode] path """ path = [node] while node.parent: node = node.parent path.append(node) path.reverse() return path
[docs]def bi_backtrace(node_a: GridNode, node_b: GridNode) -> List[GridNode]: """ Backtrace from start and end node, returns the path for bi-directional A* (including both start and end nodes) Parameters ---------- node_a : GridNode start node node_b : GridNode end node Returns ------- List[GridNode] path """ path_a = backtrace(node_a) path_b = backtrace(node_b) path_b.reverse() return path_a + path_b
[docs]def raytrace(coords_a: Coords, coords_b: Coords) -> List[List[float]]: """ Given the start and end coordinates, return all the coordinates lying on the line formed by these coordinates, based on ray tracing. Parameters ---------- coords_a : Coords start coordinates coords_b : Coords end coordinates Returns ------- List[List[float]] list of coordinates """ line = [] x0, y0, z0 = coords_a x1, y1, z1 = coords_b dx = x1 - x0 dy = y1 - y0 dz = z1 - z0 t = 0.0 grid_pos = [x0, y0, z0] t_for_one = [abs(1.0 / d) if d != 0 else 1e10 for d in (dx, dy, dz)] frac_start = [ (x0 + 0.5) - x0, (y0 + 0.5) - y0, (z0 + 0.5) - z0, ] t_for_next_border = [ (1 - frac_start[0]) * t_for_one[0] if dx < 0 else frac_start[0] * t_for_one[0], (1 - frac_start[1]) * t_for_one[1] if dy < 0 else frac_start[1] * t_for_one[1], (1 - frac_start[2]) * t_for_one[2] if dz < 0 else frac_start[2] * t_for_one[2], ] step = [1 if d >= 0 else -1 for d in (dx, dy, dz)] while t <= 1.0: line.append(copy.copy(grid_pos)) index = None if t_for_next_border[0] <= t_for_next_border[1] and t_for_next_border[0] <= t_for_next_border[2]: index = 0 elif t_for_next_border[1] <= t_for_next_border[2] and t_for_next_border[1] <= t_for_next_border[0]: index = 1 else: index = 2 t = t_for_next_border[index] t_for_next_border[index] += t_for_one[index] grid_pos[index] += step[index] return line
[docs]def bresenham(coords_a: Coords, coords_b: Coords) -> List[List[float]]: """ Given the start and end coordinates, return all the coordinates lying on the line formed by these coordinates, based on Bresenham's algorithm. Parameters ---------- coords_a : Coords start coordinates coords_b : Coords end coordinates Returns ------- List[List[float]] list of coordinates """ line = [] x0, y0, z0 = coords_a x1, y1, z1 = coords_b dx = abs(x1 - x0) dy = abs(y1 - y0) dz = abs(z1 - z0) sx = 1 if x0 < x1 else -1 sy = 1 if y0 < y1 else -1 sz = 1 if z0 < z1 else -1 # Driving axis is X-axis if dx >= dy and dx >= dz: err_1 = 2 * dy - dx err_2 = 2 * dz - dx while x0 != x1: line.append([x0, y0, z0]) if err_1 > 0: y0 += sy err_1 -= 2 * dx if err_2 > 0: z0 += sz err_2 -= 2 * dx err_1 += 2 * dy err_2 += 2 * dz x0 += sx # Driving axis is Y-axis elif dy >= dx and dy >= dz: err_1 = 2 * dx - dy err_2 = 2 * dz - dy while y0 != y1: line.append([x0, y0, z0]) if err_1 > 0: x0 += sx err_1 -= 2 * dy if err_2 > 0: z0 += sz err_2 -= 2 * dy err_1 += 2 * dx err_2 += 2 * dz y0 += sy # Driving axis is Z-axis else: err_1 = 2 * dy - dz err_2 = 2 * dx - dz while z0 != z1: line.append([x0, y0, z0]) if err_1 > 0: y0 += sy err_1 -= 2 * dz if err_2 > 0: x0 += sx err_2 -= 2 * dz err_1 += 2 * dy err_2 += 2 * dx z0 += sz line.append([x0, y0, z0]) return line
[docs]def expand_path(path: List[Coords]) -> List[Coords]: """ Given a compressed path, return a new path that has all the segments in it interpolated. Parameters ---------- path : List[Coords] path to expand Returns ------- List[Coords] expanded path """ expanded: List[Coords] = [] if len(path) < 2: return expanded for i in range(len(path) - 1): expanded += bresenham(path[i], path[i + 1]) expanded.pop() expanded.append(path[-1]) return expanded
[docs]def smoothen_path(grid: Grid, path: List[Coords], use_raytrace: bool = False) -> List[List[float]]: """ Given an uncompressed path, return a new path that has less turnings and looks more natural. Parameters ---------- grid : Grid grid path : List[Coords] path to smoothen use_raytrace : bool, optional whether to use raytrace, by default False Returns ------- List[List[float]] smoothened path """ sx, sy, sz = path[0] new_path = [[sx, sy, sz]] interpolate = raytrace if use_raytrace else bresenham last_valid = path[1] for coord in path[2:-1]: line = interpolate((sx, sy, sz), coord) blocked = False for test_coord in line[1:]: if not grid.walkable(int(test_coord[0]), int(test_coord[1]), int(test_coord[2])): blocked = True break if not blocked: new_path.append(last_valid) sx, sy, sz = last_valid last_valid = coord new_path.append(path[-1]) return new_path
[docs]def line_of_sight(grid: Grid, node1: GridNode, node2: GridNode) -> bool: """ Check if there is a line of sight between two nodes using Bresenham's algorithm Parameters ---------- grid : Grid The grid on which the nodes exist node1 : GridNode The first node node2 : GridNode The second node Returns ------- bool True if there is a line of sight between the two nodes, False otherwise """ x0, y0, z0 = node1.x, node1.y, node1.z x1, y1, z1 = node2.x, node2.y, node2.z dx = abs(x1 - x0) dy = abs(y1 - y0) dz = abs(z1 - z0) sx = 1 if x0 < x1 else -1 sy = 1 if y0 < y1 else -1 sz = 1 if z0 < z1 else -1 # Driving axis is X-axis if dx >= dy and dx >= dz: err_1 = 2 * dy - dx err_2 = 2 * dz - dx while x0 != x1: x0 += sx if err_1 > 0: y0 += sy err_1 -= 2 * dx if err_2 > 0: z0 += sz err_2 -= 2 * dx err_1 += 2 * dy err_2 += 2 * dz if not grid.walkable(x0, y0, z0): return False # Driving axis is Y-axis elif dy >= dx and dy >= dz: err_1 = 2 * dx - dy err_2 = 2 * dz - dy while y0 != y1: y0 += sy if err_1 > 0: x0 += sx err_1 -= 2 * dy if err_2 > 0: z0 += sz err_2 -= 2 * dy err_1 += 2 * dx err_2 += 2 * dz if not grid.walkable(x0, y0, z0): return False # Driving axis is Z-axis else: err_1 = 2 * dy - dz err_2 = 2 * dx - dz while z0 != z1: z0 += sz if err_1 > 0: y0 += sy err_1 -= 2 * dz if err_2 > 0: x0 += sx err_2 -= 2 * dz err_1 += 2 * dy err_2 += 2 * dx if not grid.walkable(x0, y0, z0): return False return True