Source code for

from typing import Dict, List

from .grid import Grid
from .node import GridNode

# a world connects grids but can have multiple grids.
[docs]class World: """ A world connects grids but can have multiple grids. """
[docs] def __init__(self, grids: Dict[int, Grid]): """ Initialize a new world. Parameters ---------- grids : Dict[int, Grid] grids in this world """ self.grids = grids
[docs] def neighbors(self, node: GridNode, diagonal_movement: int) -> List[GridNode]: """ Get neighbors of the given node. Parameters ---------- node : GridNode node to get neighbors from diagonal_movement : int if diagonal movement is allowed (see enum in diagonal_movement) Returns ------- List[GridNode] neighbors of the given node """ return self.grids[node.grid_id].neighbors(node, diagonal_movement=diagonal_movement)
[docs] def calc_cost(self, node_a: GridNode, node_b: GridNode, weighted: bool = False) -> float: """ Calculate the cost between two nodes. Parameters ---------- node_a : GridNode first node node_b : GridNode second node weighted : bool wether to use weights or not Returns ------- float cost between the two nodes """ # TODO: if node_a.grid_id != node_b.grid_id calculate distance between # grids as well, for now we ignore switching grids return self.grids[node_a.grid_id].calc_cost(node_a, node_b, weighted=weighted)
[docs] def cleanup(self): """ Cleanup all grids in this world. """ for grid in self.grids.values(): grid.cleanup()