Source code for pathfinding3d.finder.bi_a_star

import time
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from ..core.diagonal_movement import DiagonalMovement
from ..core.grid import Grid
from ..core.heap import SimpleHeap
from ..core.node import GridNode
from .a_star import AStarFinder
from .finder import BY_END, BY_START, MAX_RUNS, TIME_LIMIT

[docs]class BiAStarFinder(AStarFinder): """ Similar to the default A* algorithm from a_star. """
[docs] def __init__( self, heuristic: Optional[Callable] = None, weight: int = 1, diagonal_movement: int = DiagonalMovement.never, time_limit: float = TIME_LIMIT, max_runs: Union[int, float] = MAX_RUNS, ): """ Find shortest path using Bi-A* algorithm Parameters ---------- heuristic : Callable heuristic used to calculate distance of 2 points weight : int weight for the edges diagonal_movement : int if diagonal movement is allowed (see enum in diagonal_movement) time_limit : float max. runtime in seconds max_runs : int max. amount of tries until we abort the search (optional, only if we enter huge grids and have time constrains) <=0 means there are no constrains and the code might run on any large map. """ super().__init__( heuristic=heuristic, weight=weight, diagonal_movement=diagonal_movement, time_limit=time_limit, max_runs=max_runs, )
[docs] def find_path(self, start: GridNode, end: GridNode, grid: Grid) -> Tuple[List, int]: """ Find a path from start to end node on grid using the A* algorithm Parameters ---------- start : GridNode start node end : GridNode end node grid : Grid grid that stores all possible steps/tiles as 3D-list (can be a list of grids) Returns ------- Tuple[List, int] path, number of iterations """ self.start_time = time.time() # execution time limitation self.runs = 0 # count number of iterations start_open_list = SimpleHeap(start, grid) start.g = 0 start.f = 0 start.opened = BY_START end_open_list = SimpleHeap(end, grid) end.g = 0 end.f = 0 end.opened = BY_END while len(start_open_list) > 0 and len(end_open_list) > 0: self.runs += 1 self.keep_running() path = self.check_neighbors( start, end, grid, start_open_list, open_value=BY_START, backtrace_by=BY_END, ) if path: return path, self.runs self.runs += 1 self.keep_running() path = self.check_neighbors( end, start, grid, end_open_list, open_value=BY_END, backtrace_by=BY_START, ) if path: return path, self.runs # failed to find path return [], self.runs